
In january 2012 I bought a Kindle e-reader. Since then I've added about 100 books to my kindle and I am totally in love with the new possibility of e-books. I love the fact that I can read about a book on Goodreads and then just seconds later have it on my Kindle, ready to lose myself in another adventure.

This blog will be written in English and the main reason for this is that I only read books in English (since my Kindle is connected to Amazon.com) and also because I read a lot of blogs in English and thought it would be nice to be able to communicate with these people.

måndag 31 december 2012

Happy New Years folks! Part 1.

To sum up 2012 I'd like to give you some of my favorite authors, all discovered during this year.

2012 will for me be the year when I discovered, and understood, words like Indie-author, best book-boyfriend, POV (point of view) and book-hangover. A lot of these authors are Indie-authors, which (I think) means that they aren't published by a publisher.

Liz Reinhardt
Liz Reinhardt was one of the first authors I read - and LOVED - on my kindle. Liz is the author of the Brenna Blixen series where we get to follow Brenna and her boyfriend Jake. The Brenna Blixen series are Young Adult novels which pretty much means that they are quite sweet and simple. I do love Liz's writing though. It's simple and straight-forward and alternates between different POV. I'd highly recommend this series for anyone looking for an entertaining, simple yet so sweet story.

Tammara Weber 

Tammara is the author of Easy, a book that I really loved. Easy is a story about a girl who narrowly escapes being raped at a college-party and then falls in love with the guy who rescues her. This story highlights some very important issues like the importance of reporting sexual assaults.

Colleen Hoover
Ahh, Colleen Hoover. This author has made me cry on numerous occasions during 2012. Colleen has written Slammed and Point of Retreat and has just now released her latest book Hopeless. No one can deliver an emotional read like Colleen Hoover. This author has made me cry, she's made me laugh and most of all, she's given me stories that stay with me for a long time after reading the last page. If you only read one book in 2013, read Slammed.

Rebecca Donovan
Rebecca Donovans debut is Reason To Breathe and Barely Breathing. Pretty much everyone on Goodreads are now anxiously awaiting the release of Out of Breath, the final book in the series. This series is about Emma and Evan. Emma grows up with an abusing aunt who will stop at nothing to hurt Emma. This story will make you hold your breath, it will make you cry, it will make you pull your hair in rage, it will make you wanna step into the book and protect Emma from all that happens to her. This is one emotional read. Once you think everything's safe and about to turn around, the plot turns and you are once again left breathless. Read it!

E.L James
Author of the Fifty Shades of Grey series. It took me a long time to read this series as I am usually not that interested in these kind of books. And, I have to admit, I almost gave up on reading this book on several occasions during the first half of the first book but I'm kinda glad I hung in there as it did get better and it turned out it wasn't at all what I expected. I can recommend it, although I should warn you, the first half of the first book will be a rough ride. But hang in there, it does get a whole lot better. I actually really like the characters in this book, especially Anastasia, a very brave and strong woman.

Abbi Glines
I really enjoy Abbis's books. They are sweet, fun and highly emotional. My favorite books of hers are Because of Low and Fallen too far. Because of Low is about a girl named Low and a boy named Marcus. :) Life has not been easy for Low but she keeps on going and this is the story about her and Marcus. Fallen too far is Abbis's latest release and really, according to me, one of her best. I'd therefore like to spend some extra time reviewing that book so stay tuned.

This is about half of the authors that I'd like to give you at this, the end of year 2012. Stay tuned for more. Thank you for reading and happy new year!

söndag 30 december 2012

Ohh, first one. Very excited.

For my first ever blog-post (well, in this blog) I would like to spend some time talking about, well - what do you know - books! (Read the title. Kinda obvious.)

For the last year or so I have discovered a whole new way of reading (and obsessing over) books. In january 2012 I bought myself a Kindle E-bookreader (Thank you myself, it was the best gift ever!) and since then i have spent more money than I care to remember on e-books from Amazon.com. People ask me why I would buy a Kindle when it's just connected to Amazon.com. Well, truthfully, I thought I'd be more annoyed about this too but I'm not since you can find pretty much any e-book on Amazon.com. So, therefore, Amazon should be paying me for all the people I've told about my AWESOME e-bookreader. It's just so amazing! When I went on a vacation to Italy (by bus - 48 hours) I brought about 10 new, unread books in my purse and all those books weigh about 200 grams. So, if I haven't said it before, AWESOME. 

So, now, lets move on from the awesomeness that is the Kindle E-reader (Did you know you can lend your books to other Kindles?? Ok, now I'm done.). 

My hopes and dreams about this blog is to be able to encourage people I know and people I don't know to read some of the books that I love so that we can share the experience. I think most readers would agree that a shared book-experience is a better experience. (Yes, I just made that up.)

For this first blog-post ever (well, in this blog) I would therefore like to share with you, my all-time favorite books, authors and series. So here goes. Some are kinda obvious, some might not be. 

Oh, and I am a romantic kind of girl so do expect my all-time favorite books to be, yes - romantic. 

The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons
This is not a well-known book. Why, I really don't know since it's AWESOME. (I will stop soon, I promise.) 

This book is set during World War II, in Leningrad - Soviet Union as Hitler barricades the city. This book has it all. Love, politics, history, tragedy and redemption. I will give a proper review in a later blog-post. 

Harry Potter by J.K Rowling
Not particularly un-known and this for a reason. I love J.K Rowlings story from the first chapter in the first book to the last chapter in the last book. Harry Potter is not just about wizards, it's about life, sorrow, life-choices, friendship, family and what bravery really is. 

The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer
This series in not particularly un-known either but as I said before, the famous series are usually famous for a reason. It took me a long time to read these books as I thought it was a cheesy story about vampires but this I was glad for as all four books had been released when I started reading them. I think I might have gone crazy If I'd had to wait for book-releases. I read these books at night, in the bathroom, since I could not stop reading. (Just one more page!) I did not get much sleep reading these books, let me tell you. Team Edward!

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Awesome books. So exciting, so awful, so mind-blowing and so provocative. Team Peeta all the way!

This is just the beginning my friends. These are the books I've read countless times over and over again and the ones I just can't forget. But there are other books that are really good as well, just not as great. :) We'll explore these in future blog-posts. 

Thank you for reading and I hope to hear from you!